Warrior’s Promise – Sneak Peek

Warrior’s Promise is set for release on 5 July 2024. When deciding which section to use in my preview of the book, a sneak peek into what you can expect, I chose Orion Reece because I have to admit, I have a weakness for the character. He’s a lot of fun and usually finds his way into the action. I will give him his own adventure at some point, but for now, I’ll let him play in the lives of others – he’s so good at it!

Sneak Peek

Orion Reece shed his mood as quickly as he did the dark heavy cloak from his shoulders – metaphorically and literally. The cloak had to go, no doubt about it. He could still smell the stench of evil that soaked into everything whenever he spent too much time in Erebus. It was probably cell deep, choking up his pores. It truly was a vile place, a nightmare the mortals closely related to Hell. They had absolutely no idea. He’d take a burning fiery pit any day of the week. Speaking of which – with a snap of his fingers the cloak burst into flames. A few seconds later there was nothing left of it but the lingering aroma of nasty. 

As he crossed the foyer, he considered his home for a moment, and felt a sense of ease replace the crap he usually carried around. Normally he swung between hating and loving the castle, a place he’d built in memory of his dead mate. He had spent far too long wallowing in the dark bowels of the place, content in his misery. Right now, he was swinging towards a begrudging affection for the walls he’d erected to hide behind. 

He could be himself here. He didn’t have to pretend. There were days he had so many personalities to juggle he was his own one man show. But then, as a god he had a certain reputation to uphold, one he’d carefully crafted just for shits and giggles. Problem was, he was no longer amused. Keeping up appearances turned out to be a whole lot of work, especially since his brother dragged him into the middle of a war. Now he found himself straddling the line between good and evil, trying not to fuck everything up. Correction, he was trying not to tarnish the squeaky goodness his brother had going on.  

Lucas was a Guardian, an angel who had no business associating with the likes of Orion. Truth was, without his influence, Orion would have gone dark as soon as he lost Mohana. They were brothers by choice and shared a bond few understood. Was it unusual for a god with questionable morals and an angel to be best friends, probably, but then they had both been adopted by a succubus, and in their sister’s eyes they were both heroes. Go figure. Theirs was a unique family dynamic, and probably the only thing that kept Orion from losing his mind. 

There were certainly days he questioned his sanity, like the day he’d agreed to Lucas’s crazy scheme, one that had been backed by the Race Alliance, or as some referred to them – the powers that be. He’d been given carte blanche in the war on the mortal realm, and if that wasn’t crazy, he didn’t know what was.  

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