Inside the Interview Room – Round 2


1 July 2014

Interview with Mishka Jenkins, author of Stolen Bloodline, The Queen’s Jester, and Heart of the Arena.



  1. What is your first memory of writing?

It’s strange because my first memory isn’t until I was in my teens and I posted a story on some teen site. You know, full of angst and melodramatic moments! But I have been writing for much longer than that, I guess that is the first time I really showed my writing though, and it sticks out the most.

  1. When and why did you begin writing?

I was very young when I started. Having always loved to create characters and stories, I tried in many different formats to get them out. I am an incredibly visual person, and I wanted to produce comics and graphic novels, but I was too impatient for that! That’s where writing really became my passion, I could see things in my head and get them down onto paper at the speed I needed.

  1. What inspired you to write your first book?

It was last December, the 23rd to be exact, and I was sat at my computer very late at night (that’s when I do my best work), and I just started writing, I went for it. And I haven’t been able to stop!

  1. What book are you reading now?

I’m currently reading The Vessel by Callum McLaughlin. I’ve been excited to read it for ages!

  1. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Being a visual writer, I see the story playing out in my head like a movie, and sometimes I can’t translate all the small details I want onto the page. I find that hard, as I want convey so much without wanting to bore the reader.

  1. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The beginning. Oh, how I suffered with that! I don’t know what it is, I suppose maybe it’s because the opening has to really capture a reader, so there’s more pressure to get it exactly right.

  1. Do you have anything specific you want to say to your readers?

Don’t forget to have fun with a book. Yeah, sometimes reading great massive literary classics can improve the mind, but stories are meant to be fun, are meant to make you smile, laugh, cry. Don’t forget that too.

  1. How long does it take you to write a book?

I am lucky enough to write full time, so it doesn’t take me too long. I usually give myself a month to write the first draft, and then a month for editing (editing is definitely the longest part!).

  1. What does your family think of your writing?

They are incredibly supportive, I couldn’t ask for more supportive people. My mum is the one who encouraged me to start looking at trying to make a living out of writing as she could see the passion I had for it.

10. How do you market your work? What avenues have you found work best?

I really don’t like marketing, I’m not one of those people who likes to sell myself or my work, even though I know that is the only way to increase sales. I tend to find making a connection with readers is a better strategy, if they care about what you have to say, then they might just care about listening to what your book is about.

11. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Well, I am British, live in a city (though crave the countryside), I have a dog named Harliquin who I have to mention in every other sentence when talking with people.

Hm, what else? Oh, I have certificates in animal behaviour, gardening and cake decorating! I have quite varied interests, and when I tend to find something I enjoy I obsess over it. There is no middle ground with me, I either dislike or obsess!

12. How did you choose the genre you write in?

Romance is something I adore. Writing and reading about love stories, and how characters connect and how it helps them overcome makes me smile every time, and I wanted to write my own version of that. Hopefully my books will give readers the opportunity to experience what I love so much about the romance genre.

13. Is there any advice you’d like to share?

Keep writing. No matter what others think or say, if you love to write and love what you write, then do it.


Mishka openly shares her writing journey. To read more on her individual process, and for insightful posts about writing in general, click here to visit her website.

6 thoughts on “Inside the Interview Room – Round 2

  1. Brilliant interview on both your parts. I love that Mishka is passionate about writing, animals and cake; all things I can relate to 😉 Also how cool that she was reading my book at the time of the interview!

    Her philosophy about having fun with reading is fantastic as well; a great message to spread 🙂

    I’m loving this feature, Mel. I can’t wait to see who’s next in the hot seat.

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