Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Anne Frank


Writer’s Quote Wednesday is organised by Colleen from Silver Threading, and is a wonderful weekly series in which bloggers share the quotes which inspire them. I highly recommend checking them out.

My quote this week doesn’t really need an introduction, or an explanation. There’s a reason writing is used in therapy, and why so many of us escape into worlds of our own creation. Anne Frank says it beautifully.

anne frank

Thanks for stopping by.


21 thoughts on “Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Anne Frank

  1. I agree. Though I feel strange saying that since she had much bigger problems than I do. It’s amazing that she was able to write considering the situation she was in. Most people wouldn’t bother.

    1. I like to think it kept her sane, and gave her comfort and strength. She never lost hope – I love that about her. But I know what you mean. I’m a writer, and I’m not sure I would have done the same in her situation.

  2. What a perfect quote, Mel. Anne Frank was wise beyond her years. She certainly had a writer’s heart. Thanks so much for sharing this inspiration! It is simply marvelous! ❤

  3. Love the quote. I’ve always believed that expressing oneself by writing, in whatever form, can be a release and a pathway to enlightenment.

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