
Nanowrimo Update

I’m at the point where I’m doubtful I’ll reach the deadline on time, but where I appreciate all I’ve learnt about the early stages of nanowrimo. If I enter again I’ll choose a genre I’m familiar with, there are, after all, other ways to challenge myself. To stretch those creative boundaries.

I’ve read advice that is relevant to all areas of my writing; ways to gain inspiration when I’m drowning in a sea of words and don’t know which way to turn.

Today I chose to write something unrelated to my novel in order to get those juices flowing. I’m a member of various writing websites so I checked in to scroll through the most recent contests. I was reluctant to start a short story, so I decided on a poetry contest. I had a great deal of fun with it, and decided to share it with you. I don’t have a natural skill when it comes to poetry, nobody would call me a poet! But I enjoy taking the challenge from time to time.

Here it is, with the writing prompt so you have the parameters I was working to.

Writing prompt (provided by a member of FanStory):

Please select a single letter of the alphabet, and write a RHYMED poem, including that letter as the main theme.


Bobbing for a ‘B’.

Bobbing about in the deep blue sea
Broken and bleeding
Baleful and needing
Bound and unable to flee

Bobbing about in the deep blue sea
Babbling like a brook
Baked like a cook, and
Baffled no one can see

Bobbing about in the deep blue sea
Blood in the water
Breath getting shorter, no
Bargain will bring you to me

Bobbing about in the deep blue sea
Battered and sinking
Bawling and thinking, it’s
Beautiful to finally be free

Hope you enjoyed it. It was certainly the right kind of distraction for me. When I went back to the novel I wrote another few thousand words.

At some point over the next few days I’ll post an extract from the novel.

Thanks, as always for reading.

Until next time


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